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How to Run the Different MC Biker Businesses in GTA Online

Running a Motorcycle Club (MC) in GTA Online is a main way to get some serious cash, and when you’re running multiple MC businesses, you can see the money start stacking up fast. But with so many different types of businesses to run, it can get a little complicated at first. We should whittle down how to run each of the five MC biker businesses, so that you get the most out of them.

Cocaine Lockup: Your Top Earner

Cocaine Lockup: Your Top Earner

The Cocaine Lockup is the highest-paying of the MC businesses. If you’re looking to make serious bank, this is the one to prioritize.

Setting It Up:
Purchase Price: It ranges from $975,000 to $1,852,500 depending on it’s location.
Location: It’s best to buy a location closer to Los Santos to reduce delivery times.

Managing It:
Supplies: You’ll have to keep your supply levels up to maintain production. You can either steal or buy supplies. Stealing saves money but takes time and is risky due to enemy ambushes. Buying supplies keeps the business running consistently but because it costs money, it cuts a little bit into your profits.
Upgrades: Always invest in upgrades! These include Staff, Security, and Equipment Upgrades. Equipment upgrades improve production efficiency, and security upgrades help protect against raids.

Selling the Product:
Sell Missions: Selling to Los Santos will net you a higher payout than selling locally in Blaine County. Make sure to sell full product loads in public lobbies to maximize your earnings. Yes, it’s risky, but with Lobby Favoritism, you’ll receive a high-demand bonus for every player present in the lobby, sometimes boosting earnings by up to 50%.

Counterfeit Cash Factory: Easy Money

Counterfeit Cash Factory: Easy Money

The Counterfeit Cash Factory is the next best solid option. It doesn’t make as much money as the Cocaine Lockup or Meth Lab, it’s still worth it, especially for newer players who want to get their feet wet in the MC business.

Setting It Up:
Purchase Price: Between $845,000 to $1,608,000.

Managing It:
Supplies: Like other businesses, you can either steal or buy supplies. Consider buying to save yourself the hassle, especially if you’re running multiple businesses at once.
Upgrades: Upgrading equipment and staff ensures you get the most money out of your factory. Security is less critical here since raids on counterfeit cash operations are rarer, but it’s still a good investment long-term.

Selling the Product:
Sell Missions: Once again, aim to sell in full public lobbies and deliver to Los Santos for maximum profit. This business scales well, but keep an eye on rival MCs and players during your sell missions.

Document Forgery Office: Low Profits, High Effort

The Document Forgery Office is the least profitable MC business, and I’d recommend only running this if you already have the others going and you want to make a little extra cash.

Setting It Up:
Purchase Price: Ranges from $650,000 to $1,235,000.

Managing It:
Supplies: Keep supplies up, but given the low payout, don’t expect this to be a primary moneymaker. It’s best to run this in the background while focusing on more profitable businesses like cocaine or meth.
Upgrades: Equipment and staff upgrades help, but with the low profitability of this business, don’t worry much about it over your other MC operations.

Selling the Product:
Sell Missions: The same strategy applies here as with other businesses—sell to Los Santos for a bigger payout, but don’t invest too much effort in defending these sales if you’re juggling multiple businesses.

The basics of getting your MC businesses up and running

The basics of getting your MC businesses up and running

Before getting into the small things of each business, you first need to buy an MC and get thru the cutscene. Once that’s done, walk over to the office where the laptop is and buy businesses. These are typically located in Blaine County, with some options in Los Santos. Each business requires an upfront cost, but with good management, you’ll quickly earn it back.

The key to success? Supplies and selling your product at the right time. Making sure they can operate while avoiding losses from law enforcement, NPC raiders, or other players is important.
The MC businesses you can run include:

Counterfeit Cash
Weed Farm
Cocaine Lockup
Meth Lab
Document Forgery Office

Each business functions a bit differently, so here’s a detailed guide for running them like a pro.

Meth Lab: A Strong Contender

Meth Lab: A Strong Contender

Right after cocaine, the Meth Lab is the next best. It’s a little bit less profitable than cocaine but still a great moneymaker.

Getting it setup:
Purchase Price: Ranges between $910,000 to $1,729,000.

Managing It:
Supplies: Like the cocaine lockup, you’ll need to manage supplies carefully. If you’re running multiple businesses, consider buying supplies to save time.
Upgrades: Don’t skimp on upgrading your lab. You’ll want to get equipment and staff upgrades early on to increase profit margins and production speed.

Selling the Product:
Sell Missions: Same strategy as the cocaine lockup—sell to Los Santos for a bigger payout, and try to sell in full public lobbies for those sweet bonuses.

Weed Farm: A Laid-Back Business

Weed Farm: A Laid-Back Business

The Weed Farm won’t make you rich, but it’s a good business to run from your MC if you’re looking for steady cash flow.

Setting It Up:
Purchase Price: Between $715,000 to $1,358,500.

Managing It:
Supplies: If you’re managing several businesses, consider buying supplies to save time. Weed production isn’t the fastest, so having a constant supply of resources is important.
Upgrades: Upgrading your weed farm can boost your profit significantly. Focus on equipment and staff upgrades first to increase product speed.

Selling the Product:
Sell Missions: Like the other businesses, sell to Los Santos for a higher payout. Try to complete full sale missions in public lobbies, but keep in mind the risk versus reward when transporting products.

Final Tips for Success

Final Tips for Success

Time Management: Running all MC businesses at once can be a bit much, but prioritize Cocaine and Meth, and let your other businesses run in the background.

Public Lobby Risk: Always weigh the risk of selling in public lobbies. While you’ll earn more, you risk getting ambushed. Solo lobbies or those with fewer aggressive players might be the best choice for selling full product loads.

Keep an Eye on Raids: Make sure to have your businesses upgraded with security. Raids can occur randomly, and if you’re not paying attention, you could lose product worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Running MC businesses in GTA Online can be great if you manage them well. Timing everything right, you’ll be stacking up cash in no time.

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